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898 Panel Issues Fourth and Final Annual Report to Congress

The U.S. AbilityOne Commission Inspector General is a statutory member of the Panel on Department of Defense and AbilityOne Contracting Oversight, Accountability, and Integrity, established under Section 898 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY17.  The primary mission of the Panel is to identify vulnerabilities and opportunities in DoD contracting within the AbilityOne Program and, at a minimum, recommend improvements in the oversight, accountability, and integrity of the Program. The Panel established subcommittees to fulfill its duties as required by section 898(c) and to assist the Panel members and senior-level representatives.

The 898 Panel formally sunsets with the submission of this final 898 Panel Report to Congress. This report represents a culmination of four years of effort, research, debate, and stakeholder engagement by a diverse Panel comprised of senior executives and staff from 10 Federal agencies.

The final 898 Panel Report to Congress will serve as a launchpad for the positive work of the Panel to continue after its sunset. To facilitate this activity, this report includes mini-reports for the organizations that are accountable for completing the Panel’s actionable recommendations. There are reports for the following organizations: the U.S. AbilityOne Commission, Defense Acquisition University (DAU), and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment/Defense Pricing and Contracting.

This 898 Panel Report also discusses progress on the 24 recommendations in the third Report to Congress. Thirteen recommendations are tracked as complete, and the remaining are in various stages of implementation.

A copy of the report may be found here.